Saturday, October 23, 2010

Secretary of Energy Chu: We Have Taken Our Technological Leadership For Granted

Secretary of Energy and Nobel laureate, Steven Chu, dropped by the Googleplex on Friday for a fireside chat on renewable energy and the state of America's green tech industry. Speaking to Urs H�lzle, Google's SVP of Operations, Chu told a room full of Googlers that although he was largely optimistic about America's green future, he was frustrated by how much the US had fallen behind and how "we have taken our technological leadership for granted." Several times throughout the session, Chu brought up the example of China, a country that has been uber aggressive in funding green initiatives. He rattled off numerous examples of their unbridled ambition, including China's plan to erect 25 nuclear power plants and the installation of "the highest voltage lines in the world to port renewable energy -- they can now port electricity 1900 kilometers, at a 6% loss."


Anna Paquin AnnaLynne McCord Anne Marie Kortright

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