Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kanye West Fans Call 'Runaway' Film 'Hands-Down Amazing'

'Very visually arresting, there's a lot of exciting imagery,' one fan says after Los Angeles screening.
By James Montgomery

Kanye West at the "Runaway" premiere
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

On Monday night in Los Angeles, Kanye West unveiled his ambitious "Runaway" film for an audience that included celebs, curious members of the media, and — most important — his fans.

After the screening was over, we managed to grab a few of those Kanye obsessives, as they made their way out of the Harmony Gold Theater, to get their take on the film ... and needless to say, they were blown away by what they had just seen. And inspired. And moved.

"It was interesting. I thought he exposed a lot of things that were worth exposing. It was very different," Alex Valls told MTV News. "The whole platform is awesome: It opens up a lot of interesting dialogue, what exactly was going on, what he was exploring. It's different and it's cool. I liked it, it was unique."

"It was hands-down amazing ... very creative, very inspirational, simply amazing," Colin Witt added. "I was very impressed."

Much like earlier audiences — who described "Runaway" as "abstract" and "very loose" — many in Los Angeles noted the film's artistic and avant-garde quality. But they were quick to add that, really, what they liked best about it was that at no point did it not feel like a Kanye West project. After all, his ambition is what they admire most about him.

"I thought the movie was excellent, very visually arresting, there's a lot of exciting imagery in there. ... [It's] very explosive, it's Kanye, you know? It's what you'd expect from Kanye," Conan Milne said. "It's artistic, it's poignant. There's some great moments in there. It's definitely worth seeing. [And] it's great to hear so much of the album ... the music's epic; it's definitely befitting the imagery."

Are you excited to see Kanye's "Runaway" film? Tell us in the comments!

Kanye West's "Runaway" will premiere on Saturday at 8 p.m. ET on MTV, MTV2 and BET, and will also stream live on MTV.com, BET.com and VH1.com, followed by a live Q&A session on MTV.

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1650309/20101019/west_kanye.jhtml

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