Monday, October 18, 2010

Bill O'Reilly and Joy Behar Continue Their 'View' Feud

Bill O'Reilly and Joy Behar Continue Their 'View' Feud

It seems like Joy Behar and Bill O'Reilly aren't ready to make nice just yet. Following the Fox News pundit's visit to The View on Thursday, in which Behar and her cohost Whoopi Goldberg stormed off stage after he pushed their buttons during a discussion about Muslims and 9/11, the fireworks are still flying.

On Thursday night's The O'Reilly Factor, the 61-year-old host talked about the "fiery debate" with Behar and told his viewers, "She was yapping, so I had to get her attention," adding, "I am often offensive, I think everyone knows that."

"No one I know wants to insult Muslims, but many are tired of the political correctness surrounding the 9/11 attack," O'Reilly said during the "talking points" segment of his show, referencing the fact that Behar and Goldberg were annoyed that he put all Muslims in one group. "Did we say, in World War II, 'We were attacked by Japanese extremists? No, we said we were attacked by 'Japanese.'"

Conservative political commentator Laura Ingraham was on O'Reilly's side in the debate, slamming Behar while visiting The O'Reilly Factor. "Who gave Joy Behar the badge (of) speech police officer?" Ingraham asked. She added that the two View hosts did what they did in "an attempt to intimidate others."

Of course, this didn't intimidate Behar, 68, from speaking out about the controversial moment as well. During Thursday's The Joy Behar Show, she explained her reason for walking off stage: "I thought he was saying something that I construe as hate speech, frankly." Behar's guest that evening, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura -- who was clearly on Team Behar -- called O'Reilly "a spineless puke."

In an interview with, Behar said she has "no regrets" about leaving during O'Reilly's visit. "He's an idiot," she said. "I just couldn't sit there any longer and listen to him."

Which side are you on: Bill O'Reilly or Joy Behar? Chime in below!


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