Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Christina Applegate's Growing Baby Bump

Moving along in her pregnancy quite nicely, Christina Applegate showed off her quickly growing baby bump while out in Los Angeles on Monday (October 18).

Accompanied by her fiance Martyn LeNoble, the pair ended up making a quick stop by the ATM at Bank of America to take out cash before heading off to pick up a few household needs.

The couples outing comes shortly after Christina took time to sit down with CNN?s Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, to talk about her battle against cancer and promote medical testing for early detection.

During the interview, Dr Gupta asked the "Samantha Who?" star, "If you hadn?t received the MRI at that point, do you have any idea what would have happened to you?"

Feeling very fortunate that her cancer was detected, Miss Applegate replied, "They probably would have found the cancer on my next mammogram a year later, where it would have been a much bigger tumor, and could have been a much worse scenario. So, it saved my life. It would have been a whole other year before I went in again for my next mammogram."

Meanwhile, Dr Gupta also checked to see how the pregnancy is coming along, to which Applegate said, "I?m good ? as you can see I?m hot flashing a little bit, but that happens a couple times a day. (laughing) It has been such a wild ride."

As for keeping up with her strict diet with the baby-on-board, the 38-year-old dished, "I adopted a macrobiotic diet when I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. It?s one of which I adhere to about eighty-two percent of the time. I gotta have pizza every once in a while, you know! You gotta go off and enjoy these things, ? that?s part of the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, scientific part of it. It?s all interconnected. But I?ve been able to stick it fine. As far as gaining weight, I?m right on track."

Source: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/christina-applegate/christina-applegates-growing-baby-bump-426157

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