Saturday, October 23, 2010

Android Fans Rejoice: The Gingerbread Man Just Landed At Google HQ

Yes, the rumors were true: the newest version of Android, codenamed Gingerbread, is imminent. How do we know? Because there's a new, massive treat that just arrived at Google headquarters: the Gingerbread Man. Google hasn't said anything about the release of the new version of the OS, but they've posted a video to the Android developer YouTube channel that shows the arrival of this much-anticipated treat. He joins a variety of other gigantic sweets, including an eclair, a cupcake, and a bowl of frozen yogurt. Each of these desserts represents one of the code names of Android OS, and they've historically been positioned in front of the Android building on Google's campus a few weeks before the company releases the source of the latest version of Android. In other words, expect some big Android news soon.


Tricia Vessey Trista Rehn Tyra Banks

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