Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is There a Lindsay Lohan Movie in the Works?

Is There a Lindsay Lohan Movie in the Works?

Lindsay Lohan: The Movie may just be headed to a theater near you. According to the New York Post, 26-year-old Lydia Hearst Shaw is set to play a character in the new film Dogs in Pocketbooks, which is said to be based on the troubled life of Lindsay Lohan.

"Lydia will play a bratty movie goddess in and out of rehab, in trouble with the law, and hounded by greedy agents, predatory paparazzi, off-the-wall stalkers and crazed media -- a role obviously based on Lindsay Lohan," filmmaker Charles Casillo told the New York Post.

And, of course, he insists that the new flick is not meant to make fun of the troubled starlet. "[The movie] is in no way mean-spirited towards Lindsay. It's the kind of thing she has spoofed about herself in the past. It's more of a satire about the crazy people around her and the situations they generate. It satirizes the obsession with modern celebrity."

Meanwhile, Lindsay's dad, Michael Lohan, is not too happy about the news of a flick based on his daughter's life, and is threatening a lawsuit.

"I smell more attorney fees brewing," Michael Lohan tells E! News. "To date, I don't know that Lindsay's rep or [her mom] Dina and I have been contacted about this 'venture.' "

Taking a dig at Lydia Hearst, who is heir to the Hearst publishing fortune and daughter of once-kidnapped Patricia Campbell Hearst and Bernard Shaw, Michael said, "Personally, I don't understand why Mr. Casillo and Lydia Hearst find it so fascinating they would want to make a movie about Lindsay and our family. Especially when the Hearst's family is more interesting and probably has more drama than ours."

He even (sarcastically, of course) made his own suggestions for the casting of other roles in the film. "If this is a satire, I bet they get Courtney Love to play Dina [Lohan], Mel Gibson to play me, and Lydia should realy foot the bill on Lindsay," he says.

Would you see a movie based on Lindsay Lohan's life? Chime in below!

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/there-lindsay-lohan-movie-works-0/1-a-309446

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