Friday, November 26, 2010

'Burlesque' Is About The 'Tease,' Cher Says

Plus: We badger co-star Stanley Tucci about why he doesn't get a song-and-dance number in the film.
By Kara Warner

Photo: MTV News

After weeks of seeing those titillating "Burlesque" billboards and TV spots, the movie is finally here! For those looking for something fun to see this holiday weekend — specifically a musical with a little sugar and spice, plus Cher, Christina Aguilera and a lot of eye candy — then this is the movie for you.

And despite the stars' admissions to a few unsexy moments during production, it's safe to say that the majority of the film is sexy, sassy fun. But don't take our word for it; take Cher's. When we caught up with the legendary star recently and sly, quick-witted co-star Stanley Tucci, they gave us a rundown on what sexy is all about: chest hair.

To better set up this scenario, it should be noted that when MTV News walked into the interview room, Cher and Tucci were involved in a playful exchange about whether Tucci should button more buttons on his shirt.

"I can see the little 'I think I'm sexy,' because you've got the button happening," Cher told Tucci about his chest hair peeking out of his shirt.

"Oh, the button, yeah. Oh, I can't [button it up]. That would be sad," he quipped.

"Also, the hair is pushing the shirt away, so you've got to let it out," Cher shot back.

"That's right," Tucci said, opening his collar wider. "That's right, baby."

"It's gotta be free, it's gotta run wild," Cher added.

With a break in the friendly banter, we told Tucci that with all the song-and-dance action in the film, we were disappointed that his character doesn't have his own number.

"No, believe me, you're not," he said, which made Cher laugh out loud.

"Everybody keeps asking that question!" she exclaimed.

"If there had been, there would have been real disappointment," Tucci insisted.

Surely with all the downtime on set, he picked up a few things, like some dance moves.

"I did, but I got shots for those," he joked. "No, I'm not a singer, I'm not a singer."

Very well. We then turned the conversation back to the subject at hand — "Burlesque" — and Cher's take on what makes the film's style of dance sexy without being all about sex.

"Burlesque itself is more about tease," Cher said. "It's more about what you think is going to happen, not necessarily what's happening. It's kind of fun."

Check out everything we've got on "Burlesque."

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